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Another bottle of wine Gary! I have a coupon... |
Why is Bob Meyers still here?
Has he no fucking shame?
Exposed with his dockers around his ankles...
Asking his secretary to "wear something nice..."
The super ethicist has the BALLS to tell Gary Nelson:
"I go out to lunch with people all the time and I don't see where that's a big deal. Having a glass of wine or two, it's not a matter of anybody's concern but mine."
It was November 11 of last year when we reported the memo to then Mayor Carlos Alvarez accusing Meyers of the affair with his secretary.
The man who is paid $230,000 a year and is "dedicated to bolstering public trust in the administration of government by informing the public and private sectors about the laws and seeking strict compliance with them" operates outside the law however.
Instead of calling for an independent investigation, Meyers and the rest of the "ethics" commission began a witch hunt.
"Michael Murawski, an ethics commission advocate, questioned commission employees under oath in the presence of a court reporter in a bid to find out who had been “rummaging’’ through desks. According to an ethics commission report, some workers found the interrogation created a “hostile’’ work environment.No fucking way!
"In January, the ethics commission issued a report finding no substantiation to the anonymous allegations."
Apparently for the "ethics" commission, it's not a "big deal" when the executive director takes his secretary out to extended lunches on county time, drinks "a glass of wine or two" while on county time, and then uses county resources and his subpoena power to interrogate and scare his subordinates into silence when they whistleblow.
Notice that AT NO TIME did Meyers ever deny the accusation.
Meyers finally "resigned" in February because he thinks he has "something more to offer the world."
It's now May.
Meyers is still sticking around making $230,000 from the taxpayers.
We called for the elimination of the so called Ethics Commission back in November of last year.
The excellent job done by Al Crespo reporting all the shenanigans and completely "ethical" behavior of this cast of clowns makes our case stronger!
We told you how they spend over 2 million dollars of our taxpayer dollars.
They have 15 employees, 5 making over $100,000.
Robert Meyers - $230,747
Michael Murawski - $146,671
Ardyth Walker - $137,097
Manuel Diaz - $106,859
Christina Seymour - $102,320
Crespo is right.
When will the so called "Ethics Commission" go after Mayor Regalado,
What about the back room deals with Mark Siffin and the entire billboard industry?
What about the insider dealings at the CRA?
What about turning the mayor's office into a lounge for lobbyists, including our pal the Phantom Mayor?
The list goes on and on and on.
And the "ethics" commission?
Out to lunch (with a coupon, of course).
The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics continues to breach the public trust by their actions, in-actions, and the unethical behavior of its highly paid executive director.
It's time to end this charade and utter waste of taxpayer funds.
Thanks for enhancing my little piece. It is shameful how these interlocking groups all operate to protect each other. They are like the POD people, who somehow are able to sniff out their compatriots. It's the establishment turned into a version of the New York crime families.
If it weren't for you guys, none of this stuff would get reported. What is going on in this town? Does no one care?
What an ugly man ... How ugly would his secretary be to be willing to sleep with this schlepp ??
$230,000 a year, a few glasses of wine, and job security through fucking makes him less ugly
Who is accountable for any of this? Taxes keep going up and people are unemployed while these assholes make $200,000 salaries to sit on their arrogant asses. We the people need to put an end to this!
The "Ethics" Commission leaks like a sieve. Just try putting a complaint in. Within hours, the people working there will have sent it to the Miami Herald if they don't like the politician involved, or passed it to the politician if they like her. Either way, you'll wind up screwed.
Then why do we put up with this shit? Which one of the worthless mayoral candidates will clean this up and end the ethics commission?
What high salaries to accomplish so little.
All blogs that disparage the City of Miami have been officially blocked from the internal network including TakeBackMiami, InvestigationMiami, CrespoGramReport, PoliticalCortadito, & Miami New Times. Of course The Miami Herald has not since they are pro Administration. Just wanted to let you guys know. All that is going to happen is that it will bring more curiosity to these blogs from within the City. All of these blogs are very frequented by most City Employees. There is a feeling of censorship within all city employees. Basically it is being ran like communism.
Communism? I hate communism. I love the Chinese though.
I guess these sites are now "Officially" banned by City Hall and the City Administration. I guess the truth hurts.
I continue to have problems with the claim that my website has been banned by the City of Miami. I have been told that one several occasions in recent weeks, and afterwards I have gone to various offices at the MRC building and asked folks to pull up my site. They have been able to do so every time.
I would ask folks who make these claims to try and do a screen grab and send it to me at, al@alcrespo.net
There are a lot of things afoot inside city hall, including a new set or directives on dealing with public records requests - a lot of unhappy folks at city hall think that by clamping down and trying to control the release of records it will have some effect - and certainly trying to stop access to the various blogs is something that they would consider.
The big problem is that almost all of the folks that I talk with a City Hall don't read the various blogs at work, or if they do, they do it on their IPhones.
There's no way that the city can stop that.
Al it is absolutely true. I went to someone's desk and saw it first hand. Whenever you make your MRC round stop by someone's PC and you will see it for yourself. I access these sites through my 3G network on my phone since they are monitoring the wireless network also. This has become a really oppressed place to work. Fear is the method of their rule.
I love these blogs and believe they are providing an invaluable service to the community - one which the Miami Herald has been ignoring. However, from an employer's point of view, having staff go on blogs during work hours is something that I can see having issues with. I've seen employees start their day with the online Herald, then Daily Candy, then facebook updates, visits to favorite blogs, then interrupted regularly during the day with update news flashes on everything.
Leaves little time to do the work they are getting paid for.
They should do this on their own time, and with their own mobiles or computers.
Thanks for all the information, I am currently investigating whether it is ethical to visit blogs during work hours. Expect an opinion shortly.
Meyers, Murawski, and all their little friends are a bunch of unethical parasites. They cover for their friends while violating the very "ethics" they themselves swore to protect. They are a joke. This department should be abolished and the OIG should be an elective office. How do we get that on the next general election?
Maybe the City of Miami can ask the former Hialeah Mayor for a loan at a good interest rate to balance this years budget. Oh, I forgot he is to busy running for the Mayor's Office to float any loans, but he will let his wife be a loan shark if the interest rate is high enough. Trash is trash and we dont need another Cuban American crook for Mayor, we just fired our last Cuban American Mayor for all his back room deals, but we all know the next county Mayor will be a Cuban American, lets see if he is going to govern any better than the last few Cuban American Mayors the county has had to put up with. Well, rather than go to Vegas, I will drive to Hialeah and play the illegal slot machines, maybe, I will hit the jackpot. Hope the instructions are printed in english, but thats asking a little to much if you live in Miami Dade.
We need an African American crook, or a Jewish crook like Marc Sarnoff.
We don't need any crooks. Unfortunately, it is the crooks who run and win.
I am not a crook.
Al Crespo,
I am a City Employee in CIP. I specifically heard Johnny Martinez and Alice Bravo talking to a lobbyist that they have to be careful with helping him out with his request because City employees are making it a habit to report or leak the information to the blogs.
I guess I'm one of those City employees.
Which lobbyist?
Ex-Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones wants the current Commissioners to give her $113,000 to pay her lawyer. She wants the taxpayers to give her $113,000.
She was fired twice by Gov Crist then she refused to run against Dunn.
Next we will see Spence-Jones demanding $104,000 per year in back pay. Retroactive back pay.
Commissioners should "man up" and just say No.
My email is: al@alcrespo.net, and I always welcome information such as the name of the lobbyist, and the project he wants help on....
We need crooked people like these on the Ethics Commission, otherwise how could Sarnoff make his crooked land deals, TomAss provide prime real estate worth millions to his friends and illegal schools without anyone investigating what the hell is going on in the City.
Anonymous 19:51 it is common knowledge that Johnny and Alice are ALWAYS helping out the lobbyist. They came into the city and they get involved in every deal whether it pertains to them or not and they try and weasel their way in to get the job done for the lobbyist. It is sickening to deal with these two weasels and the upper management, mid management and the employees are getting very tired of those two which means it just a matter of time before they are out the door the problem is I don't think any other government agency wants them because their useless reputation is preceeding them these days.
Johnny Martinez meddles. Often totally ignorant. Sarnoff gets abused by lobbyists then he caves in.
Johnny meddles because all he is trying to do is be everyone's friend because he is going to need another job in the not to distant future because his days in the city are numbered due to his stupidity and brown nosing. As for Sarnoff, he is not being bullied by lobbyist, he uses them to his advantage and then abuses city employees do what he wants for his benefit! This way whenever there is an investigation nothing can be traced back to him. However lately he has been making serious blunders with his purchase of 1814 Brickell, and now, since Van Cel is such a publicity whore, its not looking good for Sarnoff that all the information seems to be leaking out from his good friends Van Cel and his boyfriend because they are pointing the finger back at Sarnoff-kinda like what Tibor Hollo did but this time its in a much more blatant in your face kind of way. Shows how Sarnoff disrespects the residents and the voters!
More are more people now know Sarnoff made the City overpay by $2 MILLION for 1814 Brickell. Sarnoff was pandering to Brickell residents so they would vote for him. And he gave Tibor Hollo and Tibor's buddies a sweet deal as he pandered to Hollo. Within months Hollo gave him 20 $500 checks plus...
Lobbyists have always had their way with Sarnoff. Sarnoff has always been out for himself.
I guess Sarnoff is nothing more than a lobbyist whore-I wonder what favors he did for them to get that much money-he must have or do something we the taxpayers don't see in him! But now we can all bend over and take it again from the lobbyist with his new proposed land deal he is forcing down the city's throat with the purchase of Van Cel's property - one has to wonder what favors will be exchanged this time between those two fruitcakes!
Van Cel's vacant lot is worth $180,000. If it was worth more Van Cel would have unloaded it already.
I am in the real estate industry, I took a client to see the property one day sometime in February of this year. The client was interested and said he was willing to pay Van Cel in the neighborhood of $515,000 knowing full well the true value was somewhere around $310,000 at the most. Van Cel told me he was not interested because there was a local municipality that had promised to pay him at least $640,000 and he was trying to make them pay more. I never took another client back to see this guy because he showed himself to be less than scrupulous and he was trying to get into a bidding war. His real estate license should be yanked!
Van Cel is a Scammer. The lot is worth $200,000 tops. Watch some fake appraiser put an artificially high value.
If the lot was worth more someone would have bought it.
FYI...in July 26, 2011 Ethics board meeting, Meyers offered to enter into a contract for the bargain price of $100 per hour so that he can make the new directors transition smoother. Looks like Meyers will be making at least $50,000 until the end of September as a contractor since his last day is August 12, 2011 now. The board unanimously approved of Meyer's contract! How ethical in this time when other departments and employees are being cut with no offer of a contract to stick around to make sure the next person knows where the dead bodies are.
What an absolute disgrace. court reporters in miami fl
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