Friday, May 13, 2011


I get a $185,000 a year salary.

I get $800 a month for my car.

I get $200 a month for my cell phone.

I get free health care and a pension.

I get 46 days off.

I've never had a job other than working for Tomas Regalado.

I don't make any decisions and my boss won't dare fire me.

I don't even live in the City of Miami!

The best thing is...

You pay for it all.


  1. Thats better than winning the lotto!!! Lucky group of unqualified people.......

  2. Shit, you have a better chance if being hit by lighting than you do of winning the lotto.

    Here all you have to do is kiss the TOM ASS!

  3. Disgusting.

    Tony Crapp doesn't even pay taxes in Miami, the City that has made him a multi-millionaire.

    He lives somewhere in SW Kendall?

  4. Tony lives in south dade

    he pays less taxes than most city of miami residents because he only pays county taxes, not county and city

    at least he helps pay his dad's salary

  5. Well what does it matter, Regalado didn't pay taxes for his home either and it was liened for not paying this garbage taxes...he said it had been a hard year for him that he had lost his job, he was a commissioner at the time making over $60,000 WITHOUT BENEFITS-the lien was not paid for over 8 years, then suddenly...HONEST TOM conveyed his home under his dead wife's name (she was alive at the time) so that the press would not pick up the story that "HONEST TOM doesn't pay his liens" his wife not being an elected official would not be hounded by the press. DID YOU EVER PAY YOUR LIEN FULL DISCLOSURE TRANSPARENCY dis-HONEST TOM???????

  6. Novice Tony Crapp must be the best paid intern ever.

  7. I don't think his position even qualifies him as an intern...interns are chosen on grades and recomendations from their professors, all Crapp had was his daddy the fact that he is black and the fact that TomAss wanted to play the race card and still plays it today by keeping him in place.

  8. Tony Crapp Jr.13 May 2011 at 18:22

    You are all just jealous because I get paid way more than you and I don't do shit all day long.

  9. We can all blame Tomas Regalado for making one stupid decision after another.

  10. Actually TomAss doesn't make one stupid decision after another, he is getting away little by little giving away the entire city to his friends....if you read the Herald today in the Letters to the Editor section he is preparing now to give away Marine Stadium and all of the surrounding lands to what I would venture to say some idiotic friend of his for FREE I am sure unless someone stops him!

  11. The only choice we have is to start changing the landscape. Get Sarnoff out - he's the one up for re-election. Neimwyer has disappeared - so Kallahan for D2 - might not be the best in experience, but the best in ethics. At least send a message to the Sarnoff - you are not wanted here!!!!

  12. How do you unite residents into wanting change? This is a divided city and the politicians know how to scam do you beat the corruption?

  13. THE NORTH OBSERVER13 May 2011 at 20:18

    Did anybody have a chance to see last Commission meeting? Item DI.1 presented by Larry "I Cook the Books" Spring and Diana "I transfer funds illegally" Gomez is at it again! Continuing to refinance outstanding debt to lower the current obligation, but increasing it in the long run. Why? In order to free up dollars to bring it back to the General Fund. Sticking more long-term debt obligation up the ass to the residents of the City of Miami.

    I, in particular, blame Commissioner Frank Carollo for allowing this to happen. Like all of the Commissioners have said in the past. They look to the Accountant on the dais to give them guidance.

    However, Commissioner Carollo isn't it interesting that Commissioner Suarez continue to agree with these statements and have made similar statements even though he graduated from Florida Internaional University with a Bachelor in Finance. Interesting how both Suarez and Sarnoff backed off from performing Igwe's evaluation.

    Poor Victor Igwe will soon be fired. Larry Spring and Diana Gomez continue to insist to the Mayor and Commissioners they cannot "continue to cook the books" while Victor Igwe is employed by the City of Miami. Thus the reason why Commissioner Sarnoff placed a moratorium on Igwe that he can't issue any Audits before they agree to a new contract. Victor save all your work and take it home before they make it dissappear. Better yet, email it to Al Crespo or Investigation Miami, so they can publish your audits for you.

  14. THE NORTH OBSERVER13 May 2011 at 21:23

    I just received more information that Basil Binns will be going to Miami-Dade County to work for County Commissioner Audrey Edmunson.

  15. THE NORTH OBSERVER14 May 2011 at 06:16

    Hey Basil,

    You put your dick in so many women in the City, it is time to explore the CUNT-Y. I mean County.

  16. Basil, Larry, Tony, all these fuckers keep getting recycled, no wonder the system is so fucked up. They would not last 5 minutes in the real world so they have to suck on the public tit while they fuck the taxpayers.

  17. I would venture to say that Sarnoff would like Igwe out of the way permanently because how else can he continue having the city purchase properties from his friends at elevated prices and not have to worry about having an audit done...Comm. Sarnoff shall we start auditing 1814 Brickell or shall we commence with the property you want to buy from your friend Van Cel? Which do you think will get you into less trouble? Someone should really start investigating these land sales Sarnoff proposes to the city...just these two would probably put him in prison for a long long time if Katie would get the balls to prosecute her dear commissioner friends!

  18. 1814 Brickell was worth $700,000, maybe.
    Sarnoff forced the City to pay $2.8 mil. His major campaign
    contributor Tibor Hollo owned it through his assistant. Tibor was buddies with the sellers.

    Now Van Cel pays $280,000 for a lot worth $200,000 and tries to pressure the City to pay $600,000?

  19. Tony Crapp may be smart. For a guy with no private sector experience and a low IQ he is now a multi-millionaire. Too bad the taxpayers are getting screwed.

  20. Tony Crapp Jr.14 May 2011 at 07:48

    I am tired of your bullshit complaints. So what if I am smart enough to figure out how to make six figures without any experience.
    Face the truth assholes: Sarnoff will be reelected by a landslidem. Raquel Regalado will be the next mayor. There is nothing any of you can do to prevent this. So shut the fuck up and get back to work so you can pay your taxes and my salary!

  21. THE NORTH OBSERVER14 May 2011 at 07:54

    I am know hearing word that Tony Crapp is thinking about resigning in the next few months. He will be waiting until he has been in the position for a full year, so his pension can be calculated at the 3% annual rate based on his currently salary of $185,000.

  22. Al Crespo or Victor Igwe,

    Why haven't either of you looked into the Miami Parking Authority pension plan? You talk about firefighters being millionaire take a look at their pension.

  23. Al Crespo is tap dancing as fast as he can. Check in on Monday for a BIG story related to Tomas Regalado's letter to the editor on Friday, and then on Wednesday to another blockbuster involving the Mayor and Al Alvarez...I'll put the Parking Authority on my list...

  24. The Honorable Tomas Regalado14 May 2011 at 09:30

    Dear Al: Who cares? You can write all the dumb posts you want and it won't change a single thing. I will continue to do what I want and my daughter will be mayor in 2013. Let me throw you a bone: the Virginia Key thing, I am giving away the land to a developer, his name starts with an M. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me. So in conclusion, FUCK YOU! With love, T

  25. Al, the letter to the editor in the Herald just shows the arrogance of our imbecil mayor because now he has opened the flood gates for true investigative reporters to see that this is not just a simple Marine Stadium renovation but really a smoke screen to give the property to his friends! These types of deals need to stop in the city and property should be made to generate revenue not to enrich the crooks with records that are friends of the elected officials! Parking Authority should have been done away with years ago all they are is a useless group that take vacations on taxpayer money!

  26. If Sarnoff is re-elected we might as well kiss all of the city's revenue producing properties and the city's general funds bye bye-have we forgotten how Sarnoff last year in August wiped out his entire office staff because he had wasted his entire budget? Have we forgotten his stinky deal on 1814? Have we forgotten two of his employees went on to bigger and better positions in the CRA without the education or qualifications to be stockboys in a general store? Are we not reading in the papaers about his shady deal for Manatee Bend and that the city not only got one, two, BUT THREE appraisals for this property? Is that common practice or is Sarnoff trying buy an appraisal that will demonstrate that a $200,000 property is worth $1 MILLION???? Is anyone from the ethics commission investigating this man???

  27. There is a rumor Regalado wants to give land near Marine Stadium to Manny Poch. Manny is the guy who collects $69,000+ per month from the School Board for a C quality building he owns in the Grove. Under investigation. Sleazy.

  28. I get by with a little help from my friends...... :-)

  29. It is a shame that the only Accountant on the Commission sits and watches while the only taxpayer’s watchdog (Igwe) the City ever had gets blastered because he has being exposing the creative accounting engineered by Spring, Gomez, the Budget Director and blessed by the other elected officials/City Attorney. I was shocked that he never asked any question about Larry’s creative re-financing gimmick that in fact will cost the City more money because it will be financed over a longer period of time. Also, it is interesting that one of them has a degree in Finance. What a joke folks.

  30. I am a City hall staffer. It is no secret that Mr. Ethics had made many disparaging remarks about all top black professionals in the City including the Commissioner Dunn, City Manager, City Clerk, Fire Chief/Deputy, City Auditor, CFO, Parks Director, etc. Al Crespo was right. He just needs to put on the robe.

  31. The city had issued a bid for Watson Island years ago and Manny wanted to win that bid so he could put a school there and not pay anything, at the time Tomas was a mere commissioner, and Manny lost out on the bid. Jump forward 15 years later and here is Manny again wanting another city property for free and I guess this time he will get it because the mere commissioner is today the new Mayor!

  32. Is this the same Poch who has had a variety of legal issues in the past such as a judgment against him for over $26,000 with Transmedia; another against him with a Publishing Company back in 1983 as well as a foreclosure back in 1990 and if I recall he left the city holding the the bag for for some junky boat he left at the Bicentennial Park slip where DERM cited the city and the city had to remove and then sink the boat for a man made reef and the whole thing wound up costing the city something like half a million dollars? Can it be possible the city does not learn its lessons? This guy is a CROOK and anyone who associates with him should be jailed or institutionalized for thinking that he won't pull some crooked deal again Mr. Mayor!

  33. HAHAHA! Try and stop me with your complaining and piece of shit blogs. I have the Miami Herald, Univision, and the Cuban old people who vote for me and my daughter even if we are crooks.

  34. True.
    Manny Alonso Poch is the guy who wants free land or low rent and a new building paid by taxpayers so he can get all the rent checks.

    The $69,000 per month he gets from the School Board isn't enough for this guy? No, not when he has Regalado and Armando in his pocket.

  35. The Honorable Tomas Regalado14 May 2011 at 13:38

    Try and stop me!

  36. Well I have a feeling Poch makes a lot more than $69,000 a month, he has created about 100 corporations so he can hide his illicit dealings behind corporations so than no one can figure him out. As for TomAss Regalado 13:38-just note you can't fool the taxpayers much longer as they are recognizing you as a crook, a liar and basically a no good arrogant SOB-and news for you, even the old are getting sick of your shit!

  37. The Honorable Tomas P Regalado14 May 2011 at 14:43

    I am retiring in 2013 and my daughter is taking over. There will be a Regalado in office until 2021. Nothing you can do about it. The Herald loves me, so does Univision, and Radio Mambi. Why do you think every time there is a story about children, Raquelita is quoted? None of you amateurs can stop my political machine. If you don't like it, move to America.

  38. To Regalado 14:43:
    Your ugly daughter is quoted because she is the only half-wit in your family and the only semi-literate person...By the way did you ever pay your liens for unpaid garbage fees in the city of miami or do you still not make enough money? Judging by those ratty suits you wear around City Hall I am guessing your still pretty cash strapped huh? Maybe if you got some money from your friend's illicit land deals like Marc Sarnoff does, you can get yourself to the Men's Wearhouse and buy yourself at least one decent suit where the buttons don't hang off a string!

  39. The Honorable Tomas P Regalado14 May 2011 at 16:15

    Hey fashion police, I am only worth $5,000, so if you don't like my suits, too bad. Everything else I get for free. Soon Raquelita will follow in my footsteps. Did you see how easy it was to get her elected to the school board? She even beat out a couple of teachers in spite of having no education experience. Lobbyists and developers were lined up to give her cash. Keep making fun of me all you want, you have to work for a living, I get all my shit (including Heat playoff tickets) for free!

  40. Retardado: You must be stupider than everyone thinks-the salary for a commissioner in the city is over $60,000 + BENEFITS and for a full time mayor as you are its almost $40,000 more + BENEFITS, no wonder the city is fucked up financially the leader doesn't even know how much money he makes. Oh wait, maybe because Raquelita is getting ready to run for mayor she is beginning to learn how to steal from you as well as the tax payers-you taught her well I see. Just because you pimped out your strumpet of a daughter to the highest bidders for a seat on the board doesn't mean she is going to make it at city hall because the only one willing to sleep with her sorry ass for votes is Carollo, we already know that Sarnoff, and it looks like Suarez, have no interest in her gender!

  41. Manny Poch was also involved with the shady deal involving the waterway behind his house on Rockerman Drive ... Which borders Kennedy Park ... Has anyone investigated this City project ???

  42. Oh no !!! If Crapp leaves ... Martinez becomes City Manager and Bravo becomes Chief of operaations .... Ugh ... The Penguin and Ugly Betty running the show ...

  43. Commissioners get paid $104,000 plus taxpayer paid SUVs and drivers. PLUS they get massive pensions.

    Manny Poch wants Regalado to make the taxpayers build buildings on Virginia Key and hand the properties over to him.

    Can't Poch live on $69,000 per month?

    How stupid is Regalado?

  44. The Honorable Tomas Regalado15 May 2011 at 06:55




  45. Manny Poch gets much more than $69,000 per month from renting his crappy building to the School Board. The County Inspector General has seven inspectors at the School Board. Rumors of an investigation. So investigate.

  46. Retardado doesn't know how much money his friend Poch makes a month-hell according to what he wrote he doesn't even know how much money he makes-cenility beginning to set in or is it just Regalado showing his true colors as a coniving thief protecting his con-artist friend Poch? I wonder how much those students in his crappy school are learning? Are all charter school directors really such scumbags? When I was a kid we went to normal public schools didn't pay for anything and got a good education, these people are paying a charter school to have their kids learn nothing. Do people know that the parents and the government pay those people like Poch and Children's Museum school thousands of dollars a month for each student in their school? Non-profit my ass!

  47. Crapp shouldn't leave he should stick it out because right now he doesn't have to make any decisions, no one can fire him because its an election year and the black community will be really pissed if they fire him, we all know the city is running on a deficit but it will be fixed once again when they reduce MOST of the employees salaries for a THIRD year in a row another 10-20%, up the pension contributions from SOME employees, up the years in the system to 59 years of service or 180 years old-otherwise the city gets to keep all your contributions-so he has no problems-I guess his only real concern is having to see the Penguin and Ugly Betty every day and finding how to fill an Eight Hour workday by trying to complete a crossword puzzle correctly.

  48. Manny Poch is being investigated. May 18th at 12:30 pm the School Board Audit Committee.

    Will School Board member Regalado lie for Manny Poch?

    $69,000 per month?
    Greed much, Manny?

  49. Manny will probably be protected by Retardado and his idiotic daughter because between the three of them I am sure they can steal more taxpayer money-I guess they rob from the poor to give to the greedy, the rich, and the politicians-not quite what I remember Robin Hood doing...but I guess once a Hood always a Hoodlum and these three really do a good job in that respect!

  50. Watch School Board Regalado try to explain away Manny Alonso-Poch's greed.

    The slickster wants to be handed a $35 mil taxpayer investment. Duh.

  51. Is this the same Manny Alonso-Poch that also owned money to the Parking Authority? I believe that the City Attorney's Office dropped the case. So, he ripped off the City again by getting Sarnoff to buy his property known as Rockerman Canal. Now the City has to clean it up and maintain it while Mr. Poch walks away with more City money. Another good friend of Sarnoff!!!

  52. Upper Eastside15 May 2011 at 19:12

    Another land deal from a friend of Sarnoff? Buy land from Manny Alonso, Van Cel and Tibor H. and he still doesn't get caught. When will this end. How many properties does he need to buy for his friends before someone takes a good look?

  53. The Honorable Tomas Regalado15 May 2011 at 19:29


  54. Manny Alonso-Poch has a waterfront estate on Rockerman Canal. Sarnoff pushed through a canal dredging to benefit ole Manny.

    Now good buddy Manny wants $35 mil from the taxpayers. Manny wants the rental income from a new building on the Marine Stadium site.

    Tuesday at 12:30 pm. School Board.

  55. Poch wants a sweetheart No-Bid deal to take over land and a new building built just for him at Virginia Key.


  56. Is this the best you have?

  57. NEW BLOG

  58. Manny Poch wants Regalado and Sarnoff to give him all the rent from a $35 Mil building built on a public park.

  59. If you want to read more about how Manny Poch has screwed the City in the past. See Miami New Times link below:

    To the tune of $382,107.20. Wait he even received $165,000 from the State for the ship known as the Ocean Freeze and never paid a dime to the City. This is the guy the City wants to do business with???

  60. Well, I did some research of my own and it seems that Mr. Alonso Poch has been very busy deceiving the DCPS Charter School folks. See Letter dated May 2, 2011 to Ms. Tiffanie Pauline from the PTSA regarding the Academy of Arts and Minds and all the violations he is being accused of:

    Perfect candidate for the City to do business with... don't you agree? Fits right in with all the other Sarnoff and Regalado cronies.

  61. I can not belive that in this day and age these politicians think they can keep lying to the public thinking we won't find out. For your guys discovering this stuff keep it up because we from the public that want change can now make informed decisions. Regalado-GIVE IT UP stop trying to help your friends ONCE AND FOR ALL!

  62. Manny Alonso Poch also brought Communism to Cuba and financed the Marlins Stadium. He was also the second shot in the Grassy Knoll.

  63. Anonymous 18:23: I don't know what Manny did in Cuba or if he did anything at all in Cuba. What I do know is that when you look at the public records and you see the lawsuits against him, you see his fraudulent activities in the City that are ALL recorded in the Public Records of the County and he does not deny any of them - then HE IS DEFINITELY A SERIOUS PROBLEM! If you want to keep your head in the sand and just continue his cheating, lying, and stealing then why don't you give him your money and shut the f*&k up-we are here to stop vermin like him you on the other hand want to promote them. He is bad but you are worse for allowing it!

  64. We need to get rid of all the people who are bad, like they did in Cuba!

  65. The Little Foxes18 May 2011 at 17:55

    Looking at Miami Today it finally makes sense how exactly Tibor Hollo benefits from the City thanks to his good friend Marc Sarnoff and his CRA band-in the way of tax breaks by agreeing to REIMBURSE up to $600,000 in tax increment financing owed on Tibor Hollo's Mikado Hotel. Hey Al you should investigate how that happened along with the 1814 Brickell project...maybe this is the same thing Sarnoff wants to do with the Northeast property he is fighting so hard to buy from his friend Van Cel...will he also get his taxes abated Mr. Sarnoff? Is there no end to your illegal dealings?

  66. According to Miami Today, Sarnoff's $600,000 per year gift to his campaign contributor threatens the OMNI CRA's ability to sell bonds. Nice going.

  67. The Little Foxes19 May 2011 at 18:43

    Yes but how much of that $600,000 comes back to Sarnoff? My guess is at least 50%...between Sarnoff, Tibor Hollo, Van Cel, the Director of CRA, Regalado, non profit board of directors, they are all working against the city and in favor of their personal bank accounts! Hey Sarnoff are you going to fire the entire staff of the CRA because you missued all of their funds like you did your office funds last year? Remember how you had to fire everyone because you couldn't pay anyone due to your squandering of your office funds in order to purchase 1814 Brickell? Will this year be a repeat thanks to the Van Cel property?

  68. Sarnoff uses taxpayer money to pay for two personal publicists, Will Placensia and stuttering David Karsh. Sarnoff still gets crappy press.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.
