Friday, December 17, 2010



If you are a black man in Miami.

If you are carrying a weapon or gun for any reason, whether legally or illegally, licensed or not, even for personal protection, you are a presumed target and threat by City of Miami police.

Forget the Second Amendment.

Forget the presumption of innocence.

Forget all Florida laws protecting the right to carry weapons.

Forget any rights you think you may have.

The Mayor doesn't care about you.

The Manager doesn't care about you.

The District Commissioner doesn't care about you.

The Chief of Police doesn't care about you.

In the Miami inner city, black men have no rights.

Your lives are worthless and disposable.


  1. The mayor and chief are a disgrace! If this had happened under the previous administration, the outcry would be ferocious, led by the Herald and Jim DeFede, where are these assholes now?

  2. Families should teach kids not to carry guns.

  3. DeFede was busy doing a hard hitting, in depth and touching interview with the Cat Killer...

  4. Amendment II

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

  5. Funny - if any guy - black or white - pointed an automatic rifle at me, I'd shoot.
    Wouldn't you?

  6. No, not at all. And I hate guns.

  7. I'm sorry, I don't think that color matters when it comes to the gun carrying part. Look at the guy in Panama city, he was white and got shot like 6 times! But I still agree that Regalado and the commissioners don't give a crap.

  8. Regalado and the Commssioners don't give a crap, they just went out and got one. In Tony CRAPP, Jr. that is.

  9. The most striking evidence is to compare the record of John Timoney with that of Miguel Exposito.

    Timoney is a professional who was able to institute the strictest use of force policy in the nation. Shootings were practically eliminated and crime was lowered.

    Exposito is political opportunist who is unqualified to lead a police department. Shootings increased (5 in less than one year) and crime has risen.

    Regalado meanwhile is incapable of finding anyone qualified to do anything, as evidenced by his hiring of Tony Crapp. Exposito's replacement will also be an unqualified lackey.

    Worst of all, Regalado has 3 more years of this left!

  10. A Tony Crapp for City Manager? Total lack of respect to the taxpayers. Someone needs to knock heads, reduce expenses and fire the deadwood. Crapp?

  11. The Herald says Tony Crapp Jr. "is an experienced administrator."

    More bullshit from the paper who sold out to Regalado and the billboards.

  12. How about a recall of Regalado? He is the one after all who made this recommendation. He is the one ultimately responsible for this. Where is the accountability???

  13. Migoya came in to get rid of administrators who were not "yes" people and replaced them with political people willing to skirt rules,laws, and ordinances on behalf of Regalado and Sarnoff.

  14. Crapp, Jr's administrative experience comes from "managing" 2 Cuban boat people in his old office. While Crapp was Deputy City Manager just last week a Miami Police Officer was arrested for stealing $100,000 of Bluetooth headsets and two City of Miami employees from the Motor Pool were arrested for stealing and then selling city property.

    How many crimes go unreported?

  15. As the commissioner, Regalado had on staff Crapp, Eric Duran answering phones, felon Jose Marrero and felon Pablo Camacho doing "constituent services."

    THAT'S IT!

    That is where Tony's vast administrative experience was learned.

  16. Mr. Take Back Miami you should really be carefull playing the race card in order to get your agenda across. Black or white, you point a weapon at a police officer and we can all agree on what the outcome will be. You can attack the lack of accountability and restrain the Chief and his staff have fostered in the department but it is ignorant and irresponsible to say officers are shooting black men because of their skin color.

  17. Mr. Take Back Miami? Why are you a chauvenist? And when Timoney was here, there were no shots fires at civilians in close to a 2 year period, now 5 have been killed in less than a year.

    This is not a race card issue, all the people shot have been black. No one forces anyone to be a police officer, and they have a dangerous job, but this is still not the Thirld World, people have rights, even blacks.

  18. Anyone, no matter their color, who carries an illegal gun or who aims a gun at police deserves to be shot. Please leave race out of the discussion. People need to learn that if they aim guns at police they will be shot.

  19. How is it possible that you police officers take exception when certain statements are made, but feel it is quite appropriate to make such an idiotic statement that when a gun is aimed at the police they DESERVE to be shot? Don't you think the facts are important to investigate before making such a blanket statement?

  20. No.
    I live in a high crime area and I don't want idiots owning guns. If the idiots aim a gun at police they deserve to be shot. I would rather have the police safe.

  21. To Anonymous 10:05.
    Do you want the police to get shot and possibly killed first and investigate after?

  22. This is like Cuba, shoot first, ask questions later.

  23. Obviously the corrupted Miami Police Department have gotten hold of this website. Chief Exposito and his cronies must stop visiting Take Back Miami, eating donuts, and counting their monies in their pension and start patrolling all City of Miami neighborhoods, instead of just District 1 thru 4.

  24. Stop the crying, like a bunch of babies. Your getting what the citizens voted for. Unqualified, stupid, prone to criminal activity third world type dictators. You want to stop the killing of blacks by the cops. The black community and their awful political leaders are the only ones who can make a difference and the black community to date has done nothing as usual but are the first to raise hell when a black gets shot by the cops. You point a gun at any cop then you deserve to be shot dead...

  25. Anonymous @ 05:22 is a Miami Police Officer. Your mind is corrupted!

  26. Anon 06:26
    Oh, I get it dude. If you are a cop, you believe in firing the gun if an asshole points a weapon at you.
    If you are not a cop, you believe the cop should investigate and ask questions. With the minor inconvenience that the asshole may shoot you first.
    What part of that don't you get?

  27. I am not a cop and I think anyone who points a gun at a policeman deserves to be shot. Not only do I not want to see policemen shot but shooting the idiots is Darwinism at its finest. Cull the herd. Remove the dumbest and the most hard core criminals from our society.

  28. Sure wish the cops would shoot some white low lifes so people can stop using the race card when the police shoot gun toting criminal's!

  29. I think cops should just shoot anyone they don't like, they are probably criminals anyway

  30. I can think of a few projects and trailer parks that would benefit from population cleansing.

  31. Let's put our differences aside and use common sense. Wether you're a cop or a civilian, you have the right in this country to defend yourself. If someone points a gun at you and you wait for him/her to fire at you, guess're dead or mortally wounded. Stop hating cops and hate the criminals that escalate the level of violence requiring cops to resort to shooting them before they get shot. If police officers had to wait to be shot at before they could shoot, we'd have skyrocketing police deaths, skyrocketing attrition rates, no one would be choosing law enforcement as a career and the streets would be totally lawless. Everyone wants to go home to their families at the end of their work day.

  32. Then how come Timoney significantly cut the number of police shootings? Same department, same neighborhoods, much different numbers.

    Bottom line, Timoney was a real leader, Exposito is a real lackey.
