Thursday, May 26, 2011


The State of Florida fucks Miami over for film incentives but TOM ASS has no response.

Miami Today says that "State budget changes might impact Miami's power to lure future television series and movie productions, but so far there's no organized response on the part of the city."

"I'm not worried," Mayor Tomás Regalado said Friday. The day before, he had attended an event with the producers of "Rock of Ages," a film being shot this summer. "They told me they had been to Detroit and they had considered Los Angeles. They chose to come here, and said they were glad they did. They like the light here; they like the water."

Meanwhile, Tony "I don't give a" Crapp has not hired anyone to head the film office. Someone should call Gottlieb and see what he thinks.

"Lawmakers this past session changed the state's $242 million film incentive funding to cap the amount that can go toward television production. The legislation, structured to urge filmmakers to do feature work in other parts of the state, was sponsored by Rep. Steve Precourt, an Orlando Republican in whose district Universal Studios lies. It offers a 5% incentive to projects that film outside of South Florida."

"The economic impact for South Florida could be $523 million in wages and 87,000 in jobs, said Jeff Peel, director of the Miami-Dade Office of Film and Entertainment."

It's not like we need jobs or money down here.

Sarnoff has it all figured out...

"But if Miami takes a hit when future film incentive funds are divvied up, "then I guess the Dade delegation isn't doing its job," Mr. Sarnoff said."

"Put it this way: there's no reason Walt Disney Studios should have better lobbyists than Miami does."

Hell no!

Miami has Armando Gutierrez and Steve Marin!!!


  1. Miami has that creep Mike Abrams. Miami-Dade County has dottering Carrie Meek.

  2. Disney has a mouse.

  3. The miami politicians can't shake down tv/movie execs the way they can other industries so they don't care ... Further evidence that this administration cares for no one (especially the residents) but themselves ... Weasally little pricks all ...

  4. Armando Gutierrez and Steve Marin son maricones!!!

  5. Steve Marin is one of the sleazy lobbyists who need to be investigated.

    Does Steve check for wires?

  6. Will Tomas Regalado hire another corrupt novice as CFO?

  7. Will Regalado hire another corrupt novice as City Manager?

  8. Novice Tony Crapp is a $38,000 per year employee. Private sector employees are required to show results.

    Why would Crapp leave a $200,000 job at the City? No work huge pay and massive benefits.

  9. Armando Gutierrez and wife cleaning up at MDX (Miami Dade Expressway Authority)....big time....she heads the contracting committee
